Photo of Legal Team at Talley Turner Stice & Bertman

Think. Fight. Win.

Experienced Oklahoma Domestic Violence Advocates On Your Side

Any violence or abuse between family members or loved ones should never be tolerated. If you have been the victim of domestic violence, it is important that you seek the help you need to protect yourself and your family.

At Talley, Turner, Stice & Bertman, our attorneys are knowledgeable advocates for all aspects of domestic violence law. Our entire firm works to preserve the rights of victims of abuse and those who are accused of domestic violence throughout Norman and the Oklahoma City metro area. Our firm’s experience in the family courts and in divorce proceedings means that we are well-versed in all aspects of family law and domestic violence cases.

Protecting Families And Domestic Violence Survivors

When domestic violence occurs and law enforcement is called, someone is most likely going to be arrested and taken to jail. While this may seem like a good thing, as the aggressor is removed from the situation, it can often make things worse.

Domestic violence cases are increasingly visible in both the legal and local communities, with action being demanded on behalf of victims. Our firm is committed to helping victims protect themselves and take action against the accused whenever possible. We will:

  • Help you seek an order of protection to keep the aggressor away from you and set boundaries that must be followed by law
  • Assist in modifying any family court orders, such as child custody, that may be affected by the situation
  • Represent your rights and be your voice in the event the matter goes to court, with the accused facing criminal charges

Defending The Rights Of Those Accused Of Violence

Those accused of domestic violence are often facing an uphill battle. There is a stigma surrounding accusations. You are fighting not only to keep your family but to protect your freedom and reputation as well. Our firm provides guidance to individuals who have been accused of domestic violence, whether the allegations are accurate or false. Our attorneys will investigate the situation and determine the best way in which to move forward with the case.

What Constitutes Domestic Violence In Oklahoma?

Oklahoma law takes domestic violence very seriously, defining it as a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner or family member. This encompasses any act of physical harm, threat of physical harm or criminal act committed against a family member, household member or intimate partner. The law recognizes several forms of domestic abuse:

  • Physical assault or battery
  • Sexual abuse
  • Stalking or harassment
  • Intimidation or threatening behavior
  • Emotional and psychological abuse when accompanied by threatening behavior
  • Willful intimidation, manipulation, humiliation, isolation or coercion

Understanding these legal definitions is crucial for both protecting your rights and knowing when to seek help from law enforcement or legal counsel.

What Evidence Is Needed To Prove Domestic Violence?

Successfully proving domestic violence in Oklahoma courts requires comprehensive documentation and evidence collection. Here are the key types of evidence that carry significant weight in domestic violence cases:

  • Photographs of visible injuries, property damage or other physical evidence
  • Medical records documenting injuries and treatment
  • Police reports from domestic violence incidents
  • Text messages, emails, or voicemails containing threats or admissions
  • Eyewitness testimony from family members, neighbors or others
  • Records of previous protective orders or domestic violence incidents
  • Documentation from mental health professionals or counselors
  • Security camera footage or recordings of incidents
  • Journal entries or written accounts of abuse incidents

Remember, the earlier you begin documenting incidents and collecting evidence, the stronger your case will be when presented to the court.

What Impact Does Domestic Violence Have On An Oklahoma Divorce?

When domestic violence is involved in a divorce case, it fundamentally changes how the courts approach proceedings and final determinations. These impacts include:

  • Child custody: Courts prioritize children’s safety and typically limit or deny custody rights to abusive parents. Supervised visitation may be ordered
  • Property division: While Oklahoma generally follows equitable distribution, domestic violence may influence how assets are divided, particularly if assets were damaged or depleted due to abuse
  • Alimony: Courts may award higher spousal support to abuse survivors, considering their safety needs and potential impact on earning capacity
  • Protective orders: Permanent protective orders can be incorporated into the final divorce decree
  • Timeline: Evidence of domestic violence may expedite divorce proceedings, with courts often fast-tracking cases involving abuse

Understanding these impacts is essential for both the victim and the accused, as they significantly influence the trajectory and outcome of divorce proceedings in Oklahoma courts.

Learn More By Contacting Our Lawyers Now

To get the help you need, get in touch with our firm today. We are here to protect your life, family and future. Call our lawyers and staff at 405-467-2858 or use our contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation.