Photo of Legal Team at Talley Turner Stice & Bertman

Think. Fight. Win.

Accusations Of A Sex Crime Can Ruin Your Personal And Professional Reputation

If you’ve been charged with a sex crime, it’s important to understand that you haven’t been convicted of a crime. Reach out to a sex crime attorney in Oklahoma City to fight your charges in court, as is your right.

When you are arrested for a sex crime, the situation can be frightening and devastating. You may immediately feel as though your life is over when the cops take you in for questioning. But, at this initial stage of the process, it’s important to have a positive mindset and stay strong. Everyone has the right to legal representation and a fair trial. You haven’t been convicted of a crime until you the trial has concluded.

At Talley, Turner, Stice & Bertman, our goal is to defend those who have been charged with sex crimes and give them a voice in the courtroom. If you’ve been charged with a crime, no matter what the circumstances may be, our attorneys can build a strong case in your favor.

Having a sex crime conviction on your record can result in severe penalties and detrimental effects on your future. It’s essential to avoid a conviction at all costs. An experienced lawyer can negotiate on your behalf and work to get your charges reduced or even dismissed.

Types Of Sex Crimes

There are numerous sex crimes you can be charged with, and each one holds a different type of penalty in the criminal system. Some of the most common sex crimes include the following:

  • Statutory rape
  • Sex offender registration violations
  • Forcible rape
  • Child molestation
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual battery
  • Possession of child pornography
  • Internet solicitation
  • Prostitution

Some of these charges can be more complex than others. For example, statutory rape can result in criminal charges even when both parties participated in consensual sex. However, if one party was underage, rape charges can be filed against the adult in the situation.

It’s essential that in every incident, no matter what factors may be involved, you hire a criminal defense attorney to investigate your case thoroughly, gather evidence on every detail of the incident, and ensure you have the best defense possible when going to court.

Penalties For Sex Crimes In Oklahoma City

Penalties vary greatly depending on the sex crime charged and the specific circumstance. If you have a strong defense team, your charges can be greatly reduced in court.

For statutory rape involving a minor younger than 14 and an adult older than 18, the penalty is at least five years in prison and up to a life sentence. Forcible rape usually varies by degree in the court system based on the severity of the situation. Prison sentences can range from one year to life, and offenders will usually have to undergo mental health treatment while in prison.

All rape offenders will be placed on the sex offender registry, which is typically a lifelong consequence. Other sex crimes listed above, including sexual assault and battery, internet solicitation and prostitution will be felonies if convicted. These are all considered to be severe crimes in the eyes of the law and extensive prison time should be expected if the charges are not fought in court.

How A Sex Crime Conviction Can Affect Your Life

In addition to the significant jail time you could potentially serve if convicted, being placed on a sex offender registry can affect your life in numerous ways.

As a registered sex offender, applying for jobs will be extremely difficult. You won’t be able to live within a certain distance of schools, people will be able to look up your residence online at any time, and everyone in your vicinity will identify you as a sex offender. Essentially, you give up your privacy and your dignity. Society labels you a criminal — a particular kind of criminal at that.

Preventing this permanent label can change the course of your future. Preventing felony charges as a whole can ensure you’re able to find a job and proper housing in the future.

Reach Out To An Oklahoma City Sex Crime Attorney

Your sex crime lawyer in Oklahoma City will ensure you have a strong defense in court against the prosecution. Depending on the incident, it may be possible to get the charges reduced if it’s your first offense, for example, or if there are flaws in how the police handled your arrest. At Talley, Turner, Stice & Bertman, we’ll do our best to put reasonable doubt in the minds of both the judge and the jury.

If you’re ready to speak with a knowledgeable lawyer, fill out the online contact form or call 405-467-2858 to schedule a consultation.