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Trusted And Knowledgeable Oklahoma City Divorce Attorneys

Going through a divorce can be emotionally exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be a complicated and drawn-out process. Contact a divorce lawyer in Oklahoma City to deal with your separation quickly and walk away satisfied.

Separating from your partner is never an easy experience, but the legal process can make it even more stressful than you may have anticipated. Depending on whether or not you’re splitting from your spouse amicably, you may need to get aggressive in the divorce. Other factors can also play a role in how long your separation will take, such as the number of assets you have and whether children are involved.

There are so many aspects of the divorce process, from the division of property to custody to spousal support and beyond. It can get overwhelming to juggle all of the details alone. With the help of an experienced attorney by your side, you’ll feel better prepared to walk away knowing nothing was overlooked.

At Talley, Turner, Stice & Bertman, an Oklahoma City divorce lawyer can negotiate on your behalf and ensure all of your priorities are taken into consideration during the split from your partner. We want you to leave the split feeling content with the outcome and excited about your new life ahead.

Grounds For Divorce In Oklahoma City

The state of Oklahoma recognizes 12 grounds for divorce, which include both at-fault and no-fault situations. These grounds are as follows:

  • Abandonment for one year
  • Adultery
  • Impotence
  • When the wife, at the time of marriage, was pregnant with another man’s child
  • Extreme cruelty
  • Fraudulent contract
  • Incompatibility
  • Habitual drunkenness
  • Gross neglect of duty
  • Imprisonment of one partner in a state or federal penal institution under a felony sentence at the time the petition is filed
  • The procurement of a final divorce decree from another state by a husband or wife which does not release the other party from the obligations of marriage in Oklahoma
  • Insanity for a period of five years

When filing for divorce in Oklahoma, one of these grounds will be written in the paperwork and the judge will use these grounds to determine who’s at fault or if neither party is considered at fault. Regardless of fault, the division of property, assets and parenting time can be determined using a variety of other factors aside from the grounds for divorce alone.

Mediation Vs. Litigation

Determining whether your case is suitable for either mediation or litigation, also known as a trial, will depend on how well you and your spouse can communicate and whether the two of you agree on the terms of your divorce. Mediation is typically a faster and more cost-effective way to handle a divorce, but it can only be used if you and your partner can agree to divide all of your assets on your own.

In mediation, you’ll be able to seek legal advice from your divorce lawyer ahead of time, and then you’ll go into a hearing where you and your spouse can discuss the terms of your divorce together. A mediator will draft your legal agreement, and it will be legally filed from there.

If you and your former partner can’t come to agreeable terms, litigation is a better option for everyone. In a trial, your lawyer can speak on your behalf, and both you and your former spouse will usually get the chance to talk. The judge will then help decide how property and assets are divided.

Spousal Support And Finances

Spousal support, also known as alimony, is awarded to those who need financial support from their former spouses after a divorce. When you and your former partner discuss the division of your finances in your divorce, you may be able to request spousal support within the terms of your divorce. This is often used when your ex-partner was the sole breadwinner in the marriage and you relied on them for income.

While you may need to prove the significant difference between your income and your partner’s, spousal support can also provide a tax benefit for the partner paying the alimony, so it can be a plus for both parties involved.

Custody Battles After A Divorce

If children are involved in the split, a separate legal case will take place after your divorce in which custody and visitation will be determined. Again, mediation or litigation will be used depending on whether you and your partner can agree outside of court or not. Usually, custody is even more of a sensitive issue than the divorce is, so this can require more time and effort on your part.

Your Oklahoma City lawyer can work with you after your divorce is finalized to set up a plan to win custody of your children. A detailed parenting plan can be put in place with your former spouse to determine how visitation will work, including communication and transportation methods as well as holiday schedules for co-parenting.

Where do I file my divorce papers in Oklahoma City?

The Oklahoma City divorce court is located at 320 Robert S. Kerr Ave., #409. When you file your divorce papers, you’ll need to send in three copies of each of the following: the divorce decree, the entry of appearance and waiver, and the petitions. All waivers must be notarized and filed one day after your petitions. The forms can be obtained from your attorney, the law library, or from a paralegal.

Who will get the pets in my divorce?

Pets in a divorce will get more consideration than property but less consideration than children. For example, no visitation will be awarded for pets, but usually, the court will try to let the couple figure out who keeps custody of the pet on their own. If it can’t be decided, the pet’s best interests will be taken into consideration.

What if I need to establish paternity after my divorce?

If you weren’t married to your partner at the time your child was born, then there are steps you can take to establish paternity after you get divorced. This may help give you custody rights and parental responsibilities. A child support order can establish paternity, a formal acknowledgment of paternity by both parents can be signed, or genetic testing can be done to establish paternity.

Reach Out To An Oklahoma City Divorce Attorney

Divorce can feel overwhelming when you know the extent of what’s to come after you separate from your spouse, but beginning the process only means you’re on your way to a new and hopefully improved life. At Talley, Turner, Stice & Bertman, we want to help you feel satisfied with your divorce. Ideally, you’ll be able to walk away with clarity and confidence for the future ahead of you.

If you’re prepared to speak with an Oklahoma City divorce lawyer about your case today, you can schedule a no-obligation consultation by filling out the contact form or by calling 405-467-2858.