Serious Criminal Charges Require A Serious Defense
If you’ve been charged with a felony, you have the right to fight your charges in court and get them reduced or dismissed. Reach out to a felony attorney in Oklahoma City to begin building a strong defense.
When you get arrested and charged with a crime, you’ll either be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the severity of your crime. Misdemeanors have less severe consequences when it comes to fines and jail time because the crimes in question aren’t as substantial. When you’re charged with a felony, however, the consequences can be severe.
It’s essential to hire legal representation and fight your felony charge in court if you want a chance at freedom. A felony charge can remain on your record for life and can make it difficult to obtain jobs and secure housing in the future. An Oklahoma City felony lawyer from Talley, Turner, Stice & Bertman can investigate your charges, construct a defense in your favor, and work to put reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury.
Types Of Felony Crimes
There are numerous crimes that are considered felonies in the state of Oklahoma. Oklahoma is one of the few states that doesn’t categorize felonies by severity such as first, second and third-degree or class A, B and C. Some crimes considered to be felonies include murder, manslaughter, rape, assault, robbery, possession of child pornography, aiding suicide, receiving bribes and many others.
Penalties For Felony Convictions In OKC
Because Oklahoma doesn’t have the categorization of felonies the way most other states do, each felony charge is penalized based on the specific crime.
For example, if someone is charged and convicted for committing arson, they may have to pay up to $25,000 in fines and serve up to 35 years in prison. Possessing child pornography can result in fines of up to $25,000 and up to 20 years in prison.
How A Felony Conviction Can Affect Your Life
When you become a convicted felon in the state of Oklahoma, you’ll have to serve your penalty, but you’ll also be denied basic rights once you have finished serving your time. Convicted felons aren’t allowed to vote, can’t possess firearms, can’t drive for an extended period of time after being released from prison, and cannot be employed by the state.
The restrictions above are put forth by the federal government, but the state of Oklahoma also prevents convicted felons from become a corporate director or bank officer, possessing a liquor license, becoming a pawnbroker, becoming a realtor and becoming a licensed professional in many fields, such as law, medicine, accounting, architecture, security and marriage counseling.
Contact An Oklahoma City Felony Attorney
Fighting to get your felony charge dismissed or working out a deal to have it expunged in the future can be extremely beneficial. At Talley, Turner, Stice & Bertman, we’ll put your best interests above all else.
If you’re ready to discuss your case in greater detail with an experienced Oklahoma City felony lawyer from our firm, call 405-467-2858 or fill out our contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation today.