Even if you have received a pay raise in the past year, you may not be able to afford the items you use every day. After all, according to reporting from ABC News, inflation has caused the price of many consumer goods to reach a 40-year high. Using your credit cards...
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Bankruptcy Law
Is a debt collector misrepresenting something?
When dealing with debt collectors, it is important that you know your rights. This will prevent them from trying to take advantage of you, and if they do make an attempt, you can identify what they have done and act accordingly. In addition to potential harassing...
What are the most common bankruptcy myths?
For most people, bankruptcy feels like an extreme solution to debt. However, it may not necessarily be an extreme move in many cases. Filing for bankruptcy does not mean that a person is irresponsible. According to U.S. News, there are various reasons a person may...
Can you discharge student loans through bankruptcy?
According to U.S. News & World Report, there is a common misconception that bankruptcy filings cannot include student loans. In fact, bankruptcy can discharge these loans, provided filers can exhibit undue financial hardship. While it is more challenging to...
Bankruptcy filings decline, but it is a viable debt-relief option
Throughout Oklahoma, the ongoing national situation has had a dramatic impact on people’s finances. With medical expenses, lost income due to job loss and other challenges, many are concerned about their financial future and how they and their family will cope....
Divorce after a bankruptcy, it’s more common than you think
Bankruptcy can be a significant decision that can change how you live for the rest of your life. Just when you have finalized your bankruptcy and taken control over your finances once again, you may feel like there is more you can do to protect your best interests....
What do you know about recovering from bankruptcy?
You understand filing bankruptcy could improve your financial health, but how do you maximize that possibility? Knowing which steps to take post-bankruptcy could put you on the path to success. U.S. News & World Report offers tips for recovering after bankruptcy....
What actions should you avoid before bankruptcy?
Whether you plan to file for bankruptcy on behalf of yourself or your business, you may have the urge to “skirt the system,” so to speak. In other words, you may try to make the most of a dire situation by racking up new debt, maxing out credit cards, hiding assets or...
After yearlong decline, bankruptcy filings on the rise again
Businesses throughout the nation are dealing with an uncertain future due to the ongoing national health situation. This and other factors have resulted in many businesses facing challenges in remaining viable. The government has offered financial lifelines to many...
You might retain assets during a Chapter 11 case
If an Oklahoma company files for Chapter 11, it may be eligible for debtor in possession status. A company that obtains this status will generally be allowed to retain control over assets that creditors would otherwise have a right to liquidate. This may make it...