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When a college student is accused of a drug crime

On Behalf of | Aug 6, 2021 | Criminal Law |

A central component to attending college in the state of Oklahoma is social interaction with new people and other students. Many students come from smaller high school environments to the university and make new friends immediately, most of which they know very little about. One of the inherent problems that can arise with this new found freedom is being around others who have access to drugs beyond the typical stereotyped fraternity parties. And even though this happens initially in private settings for the most part, real life problems can ensue when students are caught by police possessing drugs of any type.

Potential punishment after conviction

Rarely are students charged with trafficking in drugs, but they are commonly arrested for possession. Punishment for a conviction on drug charges can include incarceration along with significant fines and potential community service or drug education completion. Luckily for many Oklahoma students, there can potentially be a case deferment arrangement for those who are first offenders. This is often the final outcome when a drug possession case is represented by an experienced Oklahoma criminal defense professional.

Extenuating punishment for a drug charge conviction

The criminal record and penalties are not the only problems many college students face when being convicted on a drug charge. There is a distinct possibility of being dismissed from enrollment in serious cases. While the university officials do have considerable latitude in making a final decision based on material facts of the case, the criminal law charges are also a violation of school policy.

It is flawed thinking to assume a drug possession charge cannot impact a college student’s education. Their tenure at school can end abruptly under certain conditions. Not only can an attorney handle the case in court, they can also help student clients maintain their educational status and continue on as they learn from their brush with the court system.
